2015 marks the 40 Hour Famine’s 40th anniversary. Since 1975, millions of Australians have participated in or donated to the 40 Hour Famine. Over the last 10 years St Spyridon College has raised over $30,000 and we hope to make this year our best ever.
This year, World Vision 40 Hour Famine 2015 coincides with the feast of the Dormition and as we fast in preparation for this feast, we are reminded of the importance of helping those who are poverty-stricken in the world today.
Students who participate give up something like furniture, technology, talking, chocolate, their phone, television, food etc: basically anything that matters to them for 40 hours from 8pm Friday night 14th August until 12 noon Sunday night 16th August 2015
The promotional video included here about the 40 Hour Famine has been specially created by a Year 11 SRC, Chrystal Christie on behalf of our Student Representative Council.
Please support our schools efforts by following the link below and DONATE to this worthy cause
[button type=”churchope_button” url=”https://give.everydayhero.com/au/St-Spyridon-Teacher-Oversight” target=”on” button_color_fon=”#2469ff” ]St Spyridon Everyday Hero…[/button]